Monday, April 27, 2009

Open-source server distro builds on Ubuntu

Zaragoza, Spain-based eBox Technologies announced the availability of version 1.0 of its Ubuntu Linux-based eBox server distribution.The open source eBox 1.0 features LDAP, DHCP, NTP, DNS, and email servers, among other features, and provides a new development framework for building add-on modules, says the company.

Aimed primarily at small- and medium-sized business, but also supporting home and enterprise users, eBox combines numerous open source packages under an umbrella framework that is said to ease network management. Most of eBox's code works to manage the internal communication among otherwise-independent network services, says eBox Technologies. As a result, administrators can more easily manage IT infrastructure as a single unit, claims the company. For example, the object-based network management system is said to enable high-level management of IP addresses, easing the administration of the firewalls and other tools.

Major features listed for eBox 1.0 include:

* User management center -- The eBox OpenLDAP-based LDAP server stores sharable user and group accounts, and its primary domain controller enables Windows machines to authenticate against it, and provides roaming profiles.

* Shared resource manager -- Based on Samba and CUPS, the file and print servers support Windows networks with features including data backup, as well as assignment of user and group permissions levels.

* Communication center -- Features include email serving, storing mailboxes, filtering mail and viruses, relaying mail with selected filters, and instant messaging using the Jabber IM network. Other communications components are based on Postfix, Spamassassin, and ClamAV.

* Network gateway -- Network management features are said to include creating virtual interfaces and 802.1q-enabled trunk interfaces, as well as setting up a default gateway, static routes, and DNS server. eBox offers load balancing and traffic shaping features, as well as the ability to filter packets, perform NAT, and manage the access to all eBox services, says the company. Its caching HTTP proxy is said to accelerate web browsing and enable filtering pages based on content and black lists. Gateway components include Squid, DansGuardian, Netfilter/Iptables, and Iproute2.

* Infrastructure manager -- Compatible with the 802.1q switching protocol, eBox enables administrators to deploy network interfaces on several VLANs through one physical network interface, says the company. Its DHCP server enables the management and assignment of IP addresses, while the NTP server can sync its time and date with external NTP servers. eBox's DNS server provides for customizable name resolution, and the Apache web server shares public information by users using HTTP and Samba. A certificate authority enables the configuration of VPNs. The various servers and components are based on ISC DHCP, NTP, Bind, Apache, OpenSSL, and OpenVPN.


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