Tuesday, December 23, 2008

CloudShield Announced deployment of CS-2000 network services platform by DNS

CloudShield today announced deployment of its CS-2000 network services platform by Dynamic Network Services, a global provider of Internet-based domain, zone and email services.

Dynamic Network Services also can use the programmability of the CS-2000 to update, on its own or using software upgrades from CloudShield, to be prepared to handle new threats as they develop.

Dynamic Network Services began as a free DNS service provider for the Perl and open-source communities but has grown to provide both its signature free service as well as commercial DNS services and Dynect, an enterprise-class dynamic DNS offering.

“They’ve got to run cost-effectively, since they have free as well as paid-for services, and they want to make sure that service is up and performing as expected,” said Bill Scull, vice president of marketing at CloudShield. “They are using our product to protect their infrastructure to make sure their online presence is maintained despite botnet attacks or D-DOS attacks.”

Such attacks can generate from 10 times to 500 times or more the average traffic on a site and service providers such as Dynamic Network Services cannot afford to over-provision bandwidth to be able to handle such an attack. The CloudShield CS-2000 uses deep packet inspection to detect malicious traffic and prevent it from overwhelming the Web sites, authentication servers, DNS server farms and other service provider infrastructure.

“If they have a CS-2000 in front of their infrastructure, they have the ability to, at line rates, sort the good packets from the bad packets,” Scull said. “Dynamic Network Services had a number of different centers around the globe and they will be deploying our boxes in each of those.”

Source: http://telephonyonline.com/software/news/cloudshield-dns-deployment-1216/

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