Sunday, April 20, 2008

Configuring Logging for the DNS Server

There are several categories that log messages fall in to. For instance, all queries fall in to the "queries" category, all notify messages will fall in to the "notify" category, and so on. We are interested in the "dnssec", the "update" and the "security" categories.

The messages for every category are channeled into files or through syslog. The channel phrase can be used to specify which severity level should be logged, how the format of the log message should be, what extra information should be logged, where it should be logged, how many versions should be kept, and how large the zone file may grow.

For this setup we will log all above categories in one place:

logging {
    category dnssec   { security_log; };
    category update   { security_log; };
    category security { security_log; };
    channel security_log {
        file "dns-security.log" versions 5 size 20m;
            // every time the log grows over 20 Mbyte, it will
            // backup and rollover. Maximum 5 backups will be kept.
        print-time yes;
        print-category yes;
        print-severity yes;
        severity info;

This Blogs Help to work with Dynamic DNS. I want to share here with you is my experience of sharing the DNS Server Configuration and providing a computer support assistance. The most common use for this is in allowing an Internet domain name to be assigned to a computer help with a varying (dynamic) IP address


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this information.