Thursday, February 21, 2008

Dynamic DNS

What is Dynamic DNS?

Let's first start with a description of the Domain Name System (DNS). This system was setup to provide users on the Internet a method to tie their domain name(s) to computers or servers. Just like a phone book ties a name to a phone number, DNS ties domain name information to IP addresses on the Internet. When you connect to the Internet with your DSL line, cable modem, dial-up modem or wireless device you are assigned an IP address for that connection. This tells other computers how to find you, just like the post office knows how to locate your house to deliver your mail. Basically, DNS is a service that ties your domain name and your IP address together for ease of trying to find you on the Internet.

Dynamic DNS is an added layer on top of the standard DNS system that allows your domain name to follow your IP address automatically by having your DNS records changed when your IP address changes. If your IP changes and your DNS records don't get updated then anyone trying to locate your computers will not be able to anymore. Automatic updates to your DNS records can be done by having a software/hardware client or bookmarked URL send the information to our servers when your IP changes. The new IP address is populated into the DNS records and the entire world knows about your new IP address automatically.

Why do I need Dynamic DNS?

When any DNS server resolves your domains information it will cache it so the next time it can respond faster. Sometimes it may cache the information for many days. If anyone queries your domain name and gets out of date or cached information they will not be able to reach your services until their DNS server has the new information. When we host your DNS records we specify a low time to live (TTL) of 30 seconds on all queries. This tells all other DNS servers on the Internet to only cache your records for 30 seconds and to come back and re-query for new information after that. This results in faster replication of your new IP address throughout the Internet. Dynamic DNS is not just for users with dynamic IP addresses. Dynamic DNS can also be used for static IP addresses that need to be changed periodically, ie: when you change web-hosting providers, move from one ISP to another, etc. This cuts down or eliminates the 'downtime' between the switch from one IP to another.

How does Dynamic DNS work?

We store all DNS records in a relational database. This gives us the ability to provide you with an online DNS management console that you can make changes to with a click of the mouse. Every 5 minutes we recreate all changes to the database in the DNS zone files, which then get replicated to each of our secondary DNS servers. Within minutes of your online DNS updates the entire world will know about your new addresses.

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