Monday, May 18, 2009

Installation of DHCP Server in 2008

Installing DHCP server in Windows 2008 Infrastructure

DHCP plays a very important role in leasing out the IP addresses to clients, when you are running this service into your server. In Windows 2008 Server there have been some improvements over Windows 2003 Server, especially major improvements in backup and restore.

Understanding DHCP process

Workstation boots up and broadcast is sent to all nodes on a subnet. This broadcast works on UDP port 68 and server is listening to these broadcasts on UDP port 67.
Installing DHCP server in Windows 2008

1. Go to start, Programs, Administrative tools in that Server Manager
2. Select Roles node in Server Manager, then click Add roles and select DHCP Server
3. Verify the network Bindings option.
4. Then IP v4 Settings page will come, Provide domain name and DNS IP address.
5. IF wins is required in your environment provide those details also.
6. Then Enter Start IP and End IP address range along with SM and gateway
7. In DHCP v6 stateless mode select enable if it's required
8. After the above steps you will see your DHCP server has just been configured.

Improvements in Windows 2008 DHCP (Backup and Restore)

In Windows 2008 DHCP Server you no longer need to export those registry keys or manually move database to different server, because backup and restore can be performed from DHCP console.

To Backup DHCP database

1. Open DHCP manager
2. Right Click on server name and choose backup
3. Give the path where it has to be stored

To restore DHCP database

1. Go to the server where DHCP has to be restored
2. Right click on server name and restore, give the path from where it has to be restored
3. It will ask to stop and start the services. Select Yes.

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